Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's kind of silly.

I downloaded Skype because Capsicum was all like, Skype is the most awesome thing on the planet besides Norway and its inhabitants...but without any Skype contacts it sucks.

Um, if you have Skype, humour me by adding me? I'll probably never use it because really I like to just type I guess...and you can't sneakily scratch way up inside your nose when people can see you...

Ugh I'm watching MTV. Haha. It's stupid...they have a Next marathon on.
For those of you who don't know, Next is possibly the stupidest show on television. Basically the premise is that a bunch of over stereotyped American youths go on heavily scripted and extravagant dates and reject each other in cliched and often blatantly racist ways. Featuring ugly men and an endless supply of bleach blonde girls in denim mini skirts, it's obvious why I love it so much.

All the same it's terribly amusing.

Better than FOX News that's for sure.

1 comment:

Geez Louise said...

AAaaaah Skype. I had it and deleted it. Bleh.

And Next s freaing hilarious. I watch it just for laughs.
"Now Jeremy, we've been on this date for 73 minutes, that means you've earnt $73. You can either take the $73 or choose to go on a second date with me"
"Hmmm.... *lame montage of clips from the show* Well Jackie, I loved how we did that hula hooping and then ate sushi, so I'll take the second date."

