Sunday, February 17, 2008


I don't actually have agoraphobia, but I am probably in danger of developing it.
I didn't leave the house today. Heck, I didn't leave my BEDROOM. Except to go to the bathroom, eat dinner and to go play with my sister's mouse a couple of times, I have been in my room all day.
I didn't even eat anything apart from my aunt's culinary specialty, "rice with bits."

Geez what a waste of time. I slept in til about noon, then I "got up", meaning I pulled my laptop onto my bed and guess what, I'm still here..........

It's now 1:13am....
I am going to go to bed soon, even though I'm not particularly tired (since I slept in til noon). But geez, I didn't even do anythign very useful on the internet today. Like I didn't spend the day studying physics and learning all about how to best deal with the deforestation of the Amazon. I just chatted to strangers and myspaced and youtubed and generally wasted time.

I have no plans for tomorrow either, except that I should wash some clothes. I was gonna go to Ashley's place tonight maybe, they were having a party in her apartment building, but I am a bit lacking in clean clothes. And I didn't really feel like it.
And it was a saturday today, so my aunt and uncle were at home, so the Sci-fi channel was on, so I didn't even watch TV. I guess that's a good thing, given the garbage that I occasionally watch, but still, it would have gotten me off the internet for a while at least.

Oh well. University is starting soon so I'll HAVE to do more than just sit on the net, at least for a few hours a week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder what category Agoraphobia falls under. I mean, certainly it's a form of panic. But it's also a phobia of the outside world at the same time.

I have to say, I think people who suffer from Agoraphobia don't really care WHAT category they're in. They just want to not feel afraid anymore.

My advice to those out there with agoraphobia is this...

Your mind will come up with reasons why it believes only a certain area is safe and another is not. Those reasons range from being near the phone or people you trust to having familiar physical surroundings to reassure you.

The truth is, anywhere you are is equally safe. The anxiety in your mind is the only thing that distinguishes a place as bad or good, fun or miserable, happy or sad.

Controlling the anxiety will change your perspective on the world around you and you will see all places as being equally comfortable.

It all starts with babysteps...
-taking your dog for a walk in your front yard.
-having a cup of tea in your backyard.
-going outside in the morning to get the paper
-getting a cup of coffee at a quickie mart nearby.
-keep the windows open in your house for an hour or two
-take walk around the block

All these little acts of courage add up. Take 1 risk everyday to start overcoming your agoraphobia.

For more info on overcoming your anxiety, check out: