Sunday, March 23, 2008



So this is what a big kid's easter feels like.

As opposed to back in the say when my parents would get up really early and hide easter eggs all over the garden then we'd go out and find them all.

I mean, the easter bunny would come.
He'd also be pretty rad and leave chocolate bunnies and larger eggs on the dining table, usually.
So I'd end up with this pretty pile of shiny eggs.
It was always a fun occasion.
And there was always that thrill of trying to get as many eggs as you could before your younger sister did, even though she had much shorter legs than you and couldn't reach as high or run as fast.
And when the eggs were all collected, you'd always share them out so everyone had pretty even amounts anyway, because your family was nice like that.

Not this year, however. This year, what you see in that photo is what I have.


What the fuck is wrong with the world....?
I mean these things are great and all but THEY AREN'T SHINY.


The box is even black. It's not even attempting to look cutesy.
Several of the chocolates inside are shaped like bunnies getting MARRIED.

LIFE IS TELLING ME SOMETHING. This lack of shiny pretty easter eggs, and this constant craving for a trip to the KG sushi train, and this whole hanging out with my boyfriend business and all the rest is leading me to think that maybe I am actually GROWING UP.
Like, I don't FEEL like an adult, but I am nearly legally one.
On May 17th I will be 18, and therefore an adult for legal purposes in this country.
How freaking weird.

But don't panic too much, Amy is coming over on tuesday and we are going to go to the shops and buy some (hopefully cheap by then) easter eggs and give them to each other.

Shiiiiiiiiiny pretty easter eggs.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Well the past few days have been brilliant. This boy that I met is absolutely amazing and makes me really, really happy.
Buuuuuuut there is just one thing that's kind of bad.

Now one of my friends keeps acting kind of odd. Like I understand, maybe she's jealous, maybe she hates it when I mention him because of that, maybe she's not JEALOUS as such, just kind of wistful or something, maybe she is just genuinely sick of me talking about him (even though it's been just a few days and I don't think I could have caused that much brain damage to her in that time) or maybe there's something else going on that I don't know about. But I don't fully understand why she will come on msn claiming to be a shit person and saying things like that she's been "kicked into the gutter" or something, when that really hasn't happened at all.
I definitely DON'T think that she is a shit person, I think she is a brilliant person.
I don't think she can say that I've ditched her for my boyfriend or anything, when I've only been with him for three days or something. In that time I have gone out with him ONCE, and I have gone out with my friend ONCE. Other times I have hung out with my sister or stayed at home or gone to university and hung out with my uni friends.
I don't see that as ditching her or turning her into a third wheel type thing or anything.
The other strange thing is that in real life she's fine. We're fine and cool and nice but then when we talk via MSN or something it turns almost nasty. Sometimes she says things that I just really don't understand. They really make me feel bad.
Not angry, I don't really tend to get angry at her, and not depressed, I'm far too happy for that at the moment. But there are things she says which just get to me a bit and make me wonder if I really did do something bad. But I don't think I did. So then I wonder where it's all coming from, and why she'd thinking it, or whether she's even thinking it at all or just saying it. Then if THAT were the case, I wonder why she says it if it's not what she's thinking.
I also wonder if she sometimes talks about me behind my back to other people. I understand if hse does, I probably would too f I were in her spot, I think it would really be unavoidable unless you just never spoke, but I hope she doesn't say man things about me.
I don't know why, if we're such good friends, it happens like this.
That something happens that makes me really, really happy and then she goes all weird on me like I've done something bad.

Maybe it'll just take a bit of time for her to see that I'm not ditching her for a boy.
And you know, if I did then ditch her for the boy, I guess it would prove that I am a bitch who doesnt care about my friends and she wouldn't want to be my friend anymore anyway.
But I'm not going to do that. I like to think that I'm not a mean person and that I can handle being nice to my friends.

You know that when I say the generic comment "I really really like you" and don't specify it to anyone, it applies to you too right?
I can like this boy and still like you.
Be happy about life.

It'll work.

Friday, March 7, 2008


I took this out of my myspace profile, but I've had it there for a long time and don't want to just delete it.
Here's a quote from me.
"A beautiful, sensitive, funny, witty, charming, loving, cute, handsome, sensual, intelligent, artistic, caring, intellectual, quirky guy who will make me laugh and cry at the same time, hold me close through the nights, let me cry on his shoulder, hold my hand when we walk along the beach, make sweet love to me in the moonlight and fulfill every one of my desires while at the same time not cramping my style. Go figure"

Under my "who I'd like to meet" section.
I took it out because I don't care about meeting another guy anymore =)
All the other awesome and hot guys in the world can go and meet Ruckus and Louise and my other friends, because that would be really cool.

I'm really happy right now.
Not as happy as I was feeling yesterday, but that is ONLY because I stayed up too late and am now kind of tired haha. The happiness is all still there, it's just that part of it is now asleep, I think.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tap dancing in elevators

Today I realised something. I love life. A lot right now.

Life is awesome. I think we're friends now.
I used to kind of not love it sometimes. I mean I never disliked it. I never hated it and I never tried to escape from it.

But you know sometimes in the past there were times when life would just happen. It'd just go on, day after day, and I wouldn't want to really do anything about it.

But since yesterday i've just been in such a good mood. I didn't even mind walking home from the train station, even though it was dark and someone or something might have been hiding in the shadows waiting for a young innocent girl to walk by.
Actually I skipped part of the way home like a child that just learnt a new nursery rhyme and couldn't wait to tell her mother when she got home.

But oh, life.
Thank you for being cool.
Keep it up, please. I like it, a lot.


The world proved me wrong today.

The one thing I always firmly believed, the one thing I thought i'd always be able to rely upon, turned out to be completely false.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

City slicker

Dear obnoxious Holden fan,

Anyone who cared what type of car you drive would be able to tell what brand it was without the aid of the giant HOLDEN sticker on your windshield. Your car looks like a tool.
Thank you.

Love, Frank.