So this is what a big kid's easter feels like.
As opposed to back in the say when my parents would get up really early and hide easter eggs all over the garden then we'd go out and find them all.
I mean, the easter bunny would come.
He'd also be pretty rad and leave chocolate bunnies and larger eggs on the dining table, usually.
So I'd end up with this pretty pile of shiny eggs.
It was always a fun occasion.
And there was always that thrill of trying to get as many eggs as you could before your younger sister did, even though she had much shorter legs than you and couldn't reach as high or run as fast.
And when the eggs were all collected, you'd always share them out so everyone had pretty even amounts anyway, because your family was nice like that.
Not this year, however. This year, what you see in that photo is what I have.
What the fuck is wrong with the world....?
I mean these things are great and all but THEY AREN'T SHINY.
The box is even black. It's not even attempting to look cutesy.
Several of the chocolates inside are shaped like bunnies getting MARRIED.
LIFE IS TELLING ME SOMETHING. This lack of shiny pretty easter eggs, and this constant craving for a trip to the KG sushi train, and this whole hanging out with my boyfriend business and all the rest is leading me to think that maybe I am actually GROWING UP.
Like, I don't FEEL like an adult, but I am nearly legally one.
On May 17th I will be 18, and therefore an adult for legal purposes in this country.
How freaking weird.
But don't panic too much, Amy is coming over on tuesday and we are going to go to the shops and buy some (hopefully cheap by then) easter eggs and give them to each other.
Shiiiiiiiiiny pretty easter eggs.